The personalised digital system that Blue Tea developed offers data storage to employers and employees, as well as pension schemes and documentation management and storage options.
product development / BENEFITS
By offering new products and services or by improving existing ones, you can enter new markets and strengthen your position and bottom line. At Blue Tea, we guarantee the fast implementation of new digital products through a reasonable allocation of resources. We are able to develop a robust and scalable product fitting your ideal market, organisational objectives as well as overall project budget and timelines. Our product development service is led by two main principles – quality control (QA) and cost awareness. The QA process consists of careful testing while Blue Tea’s knowledge retention leads to higher productivity and respectively lowers the cost of the engineering effort over time.
During product development, we follow a highly organised process with precise procedures and strictly defined steps:
- Analyse – we define the project goal and collect all the requirements
- Plan – we plan the core phases meticulously and carefully
- Design – we propose a solution concept along with a detailed software architecture
- Prototype – we develop a product mock-up or a minimum viable product
- Implement – we scale product development to greater proportions
- Test & Integrate – we control the product quality and deploy the proposed software architecture
- Maintain – we take care of your newly built product and keep it relevant to your market
New product development is just as challenging as developing any other custom application. That is why the process requires a unique mindset – developing software within the agreed costs and timeframes. We count on our proven steps, experienced developers and the active collaboration with you, our clients, to bring precision and visibility to the development efforts.
Here are some of the benefits of software product development:
Generate new revenue streams
Increase sales and profitability
Improve market position and capture market share
Boost customer loyalty and reduce customer complaints
Improve time-to-serve speed
Reduce inefficiencies
Services / How we can help you
We will strive to understand your business and the needs of your customers in depth. We will work with all stakeholders to develop products and solutions that will improve your business and increase your revenue.
Product Development / RecenT projects
software Services / what we do
Blue Tea / Software solutions
Business Solutions
Blue Tea team will closely examine your case and will offer a comprehensive and highly customised digital solution. Our specialists will find the source of the issue and will offer a suitable improvement for your infrastructure.
Industry Solutions
Our team will guide you through the digital world and will offer you the best of it. Blue Tea has been involved in numerous projects throughout the years and has retained its reputation as a reliable and devoted business partner.