• How We Work

    by tailoring Agile development practices

we follow These key priciples of agile methodology


Our team prioritises the strengths and skills of individual team members over strictly adhering to a predefined process or tool set. Emphasis is placed on open and direct communication between team members, both within and outside of formal meetings. When challenges arise, the team encourages collaborative problem-solving and values input from individuals, fostering a culture of innovation. Agile methodologies prioritise responding to change by embracing flexibility, adaptation and continuous improvement throughout a project’s lifecycle.


We employ a Continuous Customer Involvement process that incorporates feedback mechanisms, encompassing the establishment of channels for customer input and active engagement in product development and service enhancement initiatives. This includes practices such as beta testing, focus groups and user acceptance testing. Our commitment is to consistently adapt based on customer feedback. This may entail refining features, addressing bugs or even adjusting our product or service direction in response to evolving customer requirements.


Our team identifies changes early through frequent check-ins and customer feedback sessions and quickly adjusts priorities, reallocating resources to enhance the checkout process. This ensures that the development effort aligns with current customer preferences. This approach emphasises the importance of people and communication in software development. It highlights that effective collaboration and communication among team members and with stakeholders are more critical than relying solely on formal processes and tools.

our high-level strategic workflow across software development projects

To fully understand these key steps, we introduce you to our Project Management Team ahead of signing a project with us.

agile frameworks applied to blue tea’s software development process

At Blue Tea we think that Agile is not a one-size-fits-all solution and its success depends on factors such as team dynamics, organisational culture and project complexity. Tailoring Agile practices to fit the specific needs of a project or an organisation is essential for successful implementation. Below we share some of the adapted Agile frameworks we use day to day, all enabled by Jira.

Kanban Visualisations

A Kanban framework visualises work on a Kanban board with columns representing different stages. It limits work in progress to improve flow and identify bottlenecks. The emphasis is on continuous delivery. The emphasis is on both continuous improvement and continuous delivery to enhance workflow, reduce waste and improve collaboration. It’s flexible, customer-focused and encourages single-tasking for better efficiency.

Iterative Development

We work in small incremental releases. This allows us to quickly build and thoroughly test and decommission specific modules and functionalities. The client can already start using those features without depending on other ongoing development work. Each iteration includes planning, designing, coding, testing and review phases. After each iteration, feedback is used to make improvements and the process is repeated until the project is complete. It allows for flexibility, adaptability and the incorporation of changing requirements, ultimately leading to a more refined and customer-oriented end product.

User Stories

We log new features, bugs and change requests as user stories. In other words, they are described from an end-user perspective. This helps us with planning and prioritising our day-to-day development efforts. User stories help us understand and prioritise user needs, facilitating effective communication and collaboration between stakeholders, designers and developers. They are a fundamental part of agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban.

Let’s talk / about your project

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0800 024 6979

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Blue Tea Ltd
Unit D4, West Entrance,
Fairoaks Airport,
Chobham, GU24 8HU